Sanctuari Meditation

If you have an entire room to yourself, make it your own.
Put a comfy chair by the window. Have a table or stand nearby. Choose favorite objects or pictures of places you love and put them on your table. Try to have a plant, fishbowl (something alive), candle and books available too. Most importantly, these things should be items important to you.

I like having something to hold during my meditations. I use stones or serenity beads. I light a candle- usually read a paragraph or two from a current favorite book on spirituality and I'm ready for my meditation.

My altar is on a dresser that I pass a hundred time s a day. There I keep a silk heart shaped pin cushion, some porcelain hand vases (I collect hands -- they are very spiritual to me), a candle and an orchid plant. I pause at my altar each morning and again during the day.

I touch the objects and truly feel I'm connecting with my soul as I acknowledge these meaningful objects that I love. I also have altar outside. I love to be there especially when it is warm and sunny. My outdoor altar is really odd, but I love it! It's a small shell shaped bird feeder on a stake in the middle of a small garden. I try to keep it filled with bird seed for the birds; that’s part of the ritual. Empty or full though, I pause there too. Again, connecting with my spirit and soul.

As you can see, creating these sanctuaries and altars can be simple- in fact they should be simple. As I find myself attracted, by divine intervention. to new things, I add them to my spaces. I suddenly have all new collections with special meaning to me.

So, whether you are well on your way on your spiritual path or only beginning, it is a good idea to create a private space for yourself where you can derive an immediate sense of peace.

When you enter this room or approach the altar you've prepared your whole body and soul will respond to it and be more ready for the meditation time you give yourself.

If, during your busy day, you need to reconnect with your inner peace just a walk by or a glance at your sanctuary will give you the connection needed until you have more time for yourself.

I highly recommend creating this private sanctuary as soon as you can. It will change and evolve as you do. Be ready to surprise yourself and have fun while you're at it. Give yourself this gift of space and objects!

Let me know what happens.

from www.learning

Find Your Guide Meditation

Allow your body to gently relax. Move yourself around on your chair until you feel perfectly comfortable.
Now I want you to move your attention DOWN from your head to your chin and DOWN from your chin to your throat and DOWN from your throat to your chest. DOWN, DOWN to your stomach.

Now move down into that safe place deep within yourself, that place which is just below your navel. This is your sacred sanctuary, a place that only you know about.

From that place, I want you to move into the hallway in your mind. Along the hallway are many doors. One particular door is of golden light. You feel drawn by that door and you move through the door of light into a place of peace, comfort and protection.

Once through the door, you find yourself on a path through the woods. As you move along the path, you faintly hear the sound of water. Birds sing in the trees. The sunlight filters through the canopy of deep, green trees overhead. A warm, gentle breeze caresses your face and blows lightly through your hair. You feel as if you are being kissed by God. The smell of the forest and of wild flowers surrounds you, bathing you in an essence so sweet and so wild that your senses are reeling.

You come to a body of water. Because it is part of the enchanted forest, this water is pure, clean and clear. It is cool and inviting. You sit on the edge of the bank and dip your cup into the sacred water and you drink. You are comforted and refreshed.

You arise and continue moving on your path through these wondrous woods. Soon you come to a clearing in the trees. The clearing is surrounded by stately oaks, their branches extended to protect you. The color of the wild flowers stands out strong against the greens of the grasses and the brown-black of the tree barks. You breathe deeply of the sweet air. You know this place… you've been here before. Maybe in your dreams or maybe in life - it doesn't matter. You just know that it is your haven.

There is wonderful, soft green grass growing here and it invites you to sit down and rest. Now you begin to hear in the distance other-worldly music, Tibetan bells… flute music… soft chanting… You listen carefully, as you feel drawn to the music.

You look up and see purple mountains in the distance. As you look, a tiny golden Light appears. It draws closer and closer to you. It floats gently up the path toward your little sanctuary. Its light is soft and gentle. Yet it shines with a brilliance you have never seen.

As it reaches the outer edge of your sanctuary, it stops and becomes a large pulsating crystalline light. You watch. You wait. You give the light permission to enter your space.

The light draws forward and hovers just before you. The Light shimmers. Soft strands of gold stream forth like a flower blossoming. As each petal of this light unfolds, you see that something or someone is inside.

Then you see before you a wondrous being that you recognize as your spirit guide. You know it is your spirit guide because you feel a strong surging of love pouring out from it to you and you feel, deep in your heart, a strong answering outpouring of love from you to it. You feel completely safe with this being. It may or may not tell you its name, but it calls you by your name.

Spirit Guides will take any form that you need to understand right now. It can be in the form of a human, an animal, an object or some divine form. See it! imagine it! Know it is real!

What form is your spirit guide in? What shape is it? If it is human, is it male or female? What does it smell like? What color is it? What does it feel like?

Begin to carry on a conversation with this wondrous being. Ask its name. What is its purpose? Why has it come to you?

Let this being communicate itself to you and tell you why it is working with you. Ask it for its help and guidance. Ask your guide what you need to know about your life at this time. Tell your guide anything that is disturbing to you at this time. Ask it how best to call upon it in the future.

Ask it to let you know it is there, consciously, within the next few days, whenever you need help.

When you feel finished, thank your guide for the opportunity to meet and work with it.

As the golden light folds back up around your guide, send it off with your best thoughts and love. As it withdraws from your space, moving back up the path, you sit back down in your spot. You understand that in this inner sanctuary you invite any and all of your guides into your awareness.

This is exciting and you are fascinated with your experience, your experience of expanding your horizons. You breathe deeply, relaxing and reliving in your mind, what has happened. BREATHE.

As you do so, the path and the woods begin to fade and you find yourself gently coming back to the present… to this room, this time and this place. When you are ready, be sure to drink some water and maybe eat a slice of bread to ground yourself.

Right now, it would be helpful to you if you wrote down all you have experienced, exactly as it happened.

Bless you.


Intuition Meditation

Sit in a quite place. Make sure you are comfortable. Place both feet on the ground and begin to mentally prepare for you meditation.
Close your eyes. Concentrate on your breathing. Always focus on each breath. If you become distracted return to the breathing. Take a few minutes of this breathing relaxation to prepare for your mindful meditation.



Relax deeper into your chair. Think of nothing but breathing.

Picture in your mind a walkway. It is narrow and enclosed by blank, clean walls. Walk down this pathway until you come to an opening. It may be a door, or a gate, or a just a break in the wall. Go through the opening and find yourself in a deep, quiet, safe open space. It may feel like a forest or a cave or an valley. Whatever it seems to you, it is safe. It is safe for you to sit down and wait.

The place you have chosen is very quiet. It is all yours. There is no one else aware of your place. No one expects anything from you. Allow yourself to sit quietly as long as you like.

When you are ready become aware of another presence nearing you. It is of you, and brings various messages. Whatever you have been seeking, this presence is aware of and has a feeling to share with you. It has an essence to give you that will make you aware of the answers to your own questions.

Ask it any question you may have. Ask it to please answer you in whatever way it is able. Ask it for help, then wait. An answer will come. You will feel the answer inside yourself. Another presence may join you. Ask for additional information or ask for new feelings to answer another question. The answers will come to you.

Always know you are safe with each question, each answer, each presence. Stay with your thoughts in this place until you are ready to return. You will feel in touch with this inner messenger and you will trust the answers that came to you.

Know that you can return here any time. You may come back for new answers or to reaffirm the feelings you have just received. Thank those that came to you this day. Acknowledge the feelings that are part of you. Hold dear your sense of instinct and intuition. They are the conscious source of this intuition. Allow them to become part of your life.

Get ready to leave this place you created. It is your sacred place now and you will return often to gather more information for your life.

Walk back through the opening, back down the long pathway. You may be moving slightly more quickly now, Anxious to awaken with your new sense of yourself, anxious to see how this will become part of your life. Your breathing may become quicker. Notice your breathing. Pause a moment and open your eyes


Healing Meditation

Find a comfortable space, either sit or lie in a relaxed position. As you become settled, begin to focus on your breath.
Inhale, then exhale at a comfortable pace – an even breath.

Close your eyes.

Continue your rhythmic breathing. If you become distracted refocus on your breath.

As you sink into comfort and relaxation, see yourself basking in a waterfall of sunlight and crystal eldar water.

As the sun and water cascade over your body you absorb the healing oxygen carried within your blood vessels though your whole system.

The oxygen heals and releases the holding contraction of each muscle. Each muscle becomes taffy… soft and pliable.

All tension gives way to relaxation. The cascade of sunshine reminds you of the source of all energy.

Your whole being sings with release and renewal as the source refuels and fortifies your body and spirit.

In healing all is possible. As you heal your spirit and body your gifts to the universe emerge.

Your loving compassion explodes for sharing with your fellow travelers. As you heal yourself you heal all who cross your path. Your connection to others heals as you move to your new level of evolution.

You are the incarnation of universal healing. It begins with you.

The healing vision of cascading sunshine and water is yours whenever you want it to be. Come back to this space whenever you want to, know that this space is always available even for a moment.

Be aware once again of your breath.

Inhale… exhale as your re-enter the space around you. Open your eyes and carry your renewed energy to all with whom you come in contact.


Authentic Self Meditation

We are ready now for a period of relaxation.
Move your body so it can be in a comfortable position with your spine straight, your palms facing up, and your feet flat on the floor.

Slowly close your eyes and start to breathe slowly, deeply and rhythmically.

Take a moment to get settled.

Continue to breathe deeply as you proceed with your meditation.

I will help you attain a relaxation level where you will be mentally awake, but your body will be comfortably asleep. Count from one to ten. Remember, the higher the number the more deeply relaxed you become.

Four… feel the sounds and energy in your body.
Seven… the boundaries of your body are gently disappearing.

Your mind is awake and your physical body asleep.

Your mind has expanded beyond the boundaries of your body, free from physical tension and constraints where you can experience profound insights and life-transforming breakthroughs.

Imagine a place where you feel peaceful and truly yourself. Use all your senses.

My place of peace is in a meadow by a running brook, flowers are all around. Red rock formations are in the background, birds are singing. The sound of water splashing on the rocks, the smell of spring flowers. There is a slight breeze on my face. What do you see? What colors are there? What do you smell? What sounds do you hear? What do you feel touching you? What emotions do you feel? Feel the vibe, the peace that is here. Make it as real as possible.

And in this place of peace, imagine that coming toward you is YOU at your fullest potential. Use all of your senses. What are you really like? What qualities do you have within that reflect themselves to you now? What do you look like? Can you list the qualities of your fullest potential, the love and intelligence that you are? Can you feel the power, the goodness and the gift of life that you bring? Can you see this potential unfolding in everything you’ve learned so far? Do you see the mission and the courage and the path you are taking? Get a sense of it for a minute. Tune in. Can you talk to your full potential self? Can you get the message? Does your full potential self have a particular message for you now? How are you doing in your life?

You’ll find that you can come back anytime you want to enjoy the peace of this place and commune with your full potential self. As we count down from ten to one you will be aware of an inner calm, a profound connection to your true self. You will retain an inner knowing of who you are as you live your daily life. Count from ten down to one. When we reach one you will be wide awake both physically and mentally, rested, relaxed and alert.

Seven… You’ll be wide awake and rested when we reach the count of one.

You are wide awake and alert.


Peace and Serenity Meditation

Pick a quiet place. It would be nice if it was a nice sunny place. Sit quietly with both feet on the ground and relax. Close your eyes and think of a place you find very beautiful. Allow yourself to almost smile as you picture this place in your mind.
While still picturing your beautiful place, begin to be aware of your breathing.



Keeping the picture in your mind, relax more deeply, still aware of your breathing. Begin to walk into the place you have pictured. Walk until you’ve come upon a place you’d like to stop and sit down. Imagine yourself sitting in this place of beauty.

Begin to notice the area around you. It is what makes your place so lovely to you. Each detail adds to the picture of beauty in your mind. You are part of this beauty. Sit still and feel the peace. The peace of being part of so much beauty. Allow your mind to think about how right it is that there be so much beauty and peace in your world and that you fit into this picture you have created in your mind.

Keep breathing,

With each breath, relax deeper into this scene with you in it. Feel the calm serenity for as long as you like.

When you know it is time to leave this place, rise and begin to walk back. Allow your breathing to bring you back. Gently take a few deep breaths. Pause a moment. Remember one last time that you can return to this place any time you want. It may only be for a moment, but it will remind you of the sense of peace that is yours.

Open your eyes.

Feel the goodness of the meditation for a few moments.

You are ready for the rest of your day.


Reducing Stess Meditation

Create a quiet place. Sit comfortably. Both feet touching the ground. Your arms may rest on the chair. Your hands in your lap. Close your eyes. Pause a moment.
Begin to be aware of your breathing.



Allow each inhalation to be slower, longer. There’s almost a pause before you exhale. Slowly… longer.



Your body will sink deeper into the chair. As you relax, your body will feel heavier and very still.



If your mind begins to wander, return to consciously paying attention to your breathing.

You will become aware that your mind is clear. No busy clutter interferes with your ability to relax. Quietness envelops you.



Continue this as long as you are able. Some days it will be as long as half an hour. Others, it may only be five or ten minutes. Whichever, you will feel refreshed from the brief pause.

As you end your meditation, you will feel yourself almost awakening. Pause.

Sit still a moment. Take several deep breaths and return to whatever activity awaits. You are ready.

Any time during the day, remember how good you felt during your meditation. You will begin to automatically be able to return to that mind-body sense of peace. You will touch it with your mind whenever you need to.

Use this meditation every day. Eventually it will lead you to deeper meditations.


Health applications and clinical studies of meditation

In their review of scientific studies of meditation, published in the International Journal of Psychotherapy, Perez-De-Albeniz and Holmes[7] identified the following behavioral components of meditation:

1. relaxation,
2. concentration,
3. altered state of awareness,
4. suspension of logical thought processes, and
5. maintenance of self-observing attitude.

The medical community has studied the physiological effects of meditation Many concepts of meditation have been applied to clinical settings in order to measure its effect on somatic motor function as well as cardiovascular and respiratory function. Also the hermeneutic and phenomenological aspects of meditation are areas of growing interest. Meditation has entered the mainstream of health care as a method of stress and pain reduction. In 1976, the Australian psychiatrist Ainslie Meares, reported in the Medical Journal of Australia, the regression of cancer following intensive meditation. Meares wrote a number of books on the subject, including his best-seller Relief without Drugs.

As a method of stress reduction, meditation is often used in hospitals in cases of chronic or terminal illness to reduce complications associated with increased stress including a depressed immune system. There is growing agreement in the medical community that mental factors such as stress significantly contribute to a lack of physical health, and there is a growing movement in mainstream science to fund research in this area (e.g. the establishment by the NIH in the U.S. of 5 research centers to research the mind-body aspects of disease.)

Dr. James Austin, a neurophysiologist at the University of Colorado, reported that Zen meditation rewires the circuitry of the brain in his landmark book Zen and the Brain (Austin, 1999). This has been confirmed using functional MRI imaging which examines the activity of the brain.

Dr. Herbert Benson of the Mind-Body Medical Institute, which is affiliated with Harvard and several Boston hospitals, reports that meditation induces a host of biochemical and physical changes in the body collectively referred to as the "relaxation response."[32] The relaxation response includes changes in metabolism, heart rate, respiration, blood pressure and brain chemistry. Benson and his team have also done clinical studies at Buddhist monasteries in the Himalayan Mountains.

Other studies within this field include the research of Jon Kabat-Zinn and his colleagues at the University of Massachusetts who have studied the effects of mindfulness meditation on stress.

Some particular schools of meditation have claimed to have beneficial health effects. For example, an early study in 1972 suggested that Transcendental Meditation could affect the human metabolism by lowering the biochemical byproducts of stress, such as lactate, decreasing heart rate and blood pressure and inducing favorable brain waves. Likewise, some studies have claimed that Sahaja Yoga meditation can be used in the treatment of asthma and ADHD,

There is no evidence however to demonstrate that any one particular school of meditation is more effective than another. There have also been claims made that some such studies have been carried out by individuals with a conflict of interest. For example, at least one of the authors of a Sahaja Yoga study is a Sahaja Yogi who attends to the personal medical needs of Nirmala Srivastava, the founder of Sahaja Yoga.[40] Studies making claims about particular schools of yoga should therefore be treated with particular caution.

Meditating for Life

Too much stress, stress reduction, chill out, let it go, detach – familiar phrases to all of us. Our world is fast, fun and exciting. It is also challenging, trying, demanding and frightening. These two sides of our lives produce stress, emotional reactions, anxiety, worry and anticipation. Our bodies and minds can tolerate only so much of any of these. After a while, each of us reaches a saturation point and the results become uncomfortable at best; for some it may be unbearable, even unendurable.
No magic pill is available to eliminate these feelings. The reality is, as the wise old man said, the answer is inside all of us. To manage these universal concerns we must go inside ourselves. Among the steps we can take is the learning and practicing of meditation.
What to Expect
With time and faith in the commitment to practice frequently, (daily meditating is ideal), during your meditation time you may "leave the moment." A feeling of separation exists where the mind is clear, clean and blank. You will still hear sounds around you, but they will not interfere with your meditation.
Sometimes you may weep -- you may not even be aware of what is making you weep. It is your own emotions having a voice of their own. Sometimes you may feel a smile across your face -- that is contentment showing itself. Sometimes you may fall asleep and awaken truly refreshed.
There is no right or wrong behavior during your meditation. It is your time for you. Everyone deserves this kind of personal attention. This is a self-care activity; loving oneself! Teach it to your children instead of a time-out in their room or corner. Teach it to your friends, family, anyone who will listen. We can share this gift and get back as we give. We are all better because of each person who meditates. The peace and joy felt by those who meditate enters the world for all of us as positive energy. From it the world is a better place. Imagine if we all practiced meditation!

Relaxation Through Meditation

My preference would be to call meditation relaxation – conscious relaxation, chosen relaxation. These are words that are more universally understood, more comfortable. Constantly working toward the goal of discovering my own ability to reach a state of serenity, I have learned to meditate.
Meditating is actually easier than you might imagine. Most of us have dabbled in meditation by participating in conscious relaxation. Maybe during an exercise class or to manage pain at the dentist or anxiety before a test. We start by paying attention to our breathing. The practical effort to focus completely on our breathing takes our minds away from the "mind clutter" that constantly tries to invade our mind and eliminate feelings that will lead to a time of calm. With repeated effort the goal of clearing your mind – to think of nothing, does occur and the process of meditation takes on its own energy. The result is, and I guarantee this, peace, serenity, calmness, eventually opening yourself to new insights.
