If you have an entire room to yourself, make it your own.
Put a comfy chair by the window. Have a table or stand nearby. Choose favorite objects or pictures of places you love and put them on your table. Try to have a plant, fishbowl (something alive), candle and books available too. Most importantly, these things should be items important to you.
I like having something to hold during my meditations. I use stones or serenity beads. I light a candle- usually read a paragraph or two from a current favorite book on spirituality and I'm ready for my meditation.
My altar is on a dresser that I pass a hundred time s a day. There I keep a silk heart shaped pin cushion, some porcelain hand vases (I collect hands -- they are very spiritual to me), a candle and an orchid plant. I pause at my altar each morning and again during the day.
I touch the objects and truly feel I'm connecting with my soul as I acknowledge these meaningful objects that I love. I also have altar outside. I love to be there especially when it is warm and sunny. My outdoor altar is really odd, but I love it! It's a small shell shaped bird feeder on a stake in the middle of a small garden. I try to keep it filled with bird seed for the birds; that’s part of the ritual. Empty or full though, I pause there too. Again, connecting with my spirit and soul.
As you can see, creating these sanctuaries and altars can be simple- in fact they should be simple. As I find myself attracted, by divine intervention. to new things, I add them to my spaces. I suddenly have all new collections with special meaning to me.
So, whether you are well on your way on your spiritual path or only beginning, it is a good idea to create a private space for yourself where you can derive an immediate sense of peace.
When you enter this room or approach the altar you've prepared your whole body and soul will respond to it and be more ready for the meditation time you give yourself.
If, during your busy day, you need to reconnect with your inner peace just a walk by or a glance at your sanctuary will give you the connection needed until you have more time for yourself.
I highly recommend creating this private sanctuary as soon as you can. It will change and evolve as you do. Be ready to surprise yourself and have fun while you're at it. Give yourself this gift of space and objects!
Let me know what happens.
from www.learning meditation.com
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